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/ PC World Komputer 1997 November / Pcwk1197.iso / LOTUS / Eng-ins / ACROREAD / SUITE / DW08_S6.APR / SCRIPT / ApproachDoc / Invoice - Main / Body

Other Files (26)
Amount Billed.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Contract ID.s Null Bytes Alternating 1KB 1996-10-27
Customer Name.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
CustomerID.s Null Bytes Alternating 2KB 1996-10-27
Invoice Date.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Invoice Number.s Null Bytes Alternating 2KB 1996-10-27
Notes.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
ObjText.s Null Bytes Alternating 1KB 1996-10-27
Order Number.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Project ID.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Salesperson ID.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
SalespersonName.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Ship to ID.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Ship to Name.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Shipping Charge.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Shipping Method.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Status.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Terms.e All Null Bytes 4b 1996-10-27
Contract ID.e Unknown 8b 1996-10-27
Contract ID.o Unknown 2KB 1996-10-27
CustomerID.e Unknown 8b 1996-10-27
CustomerID.o Unknown 2KB 1996-10-27
Invoice Number.e Unknown 8b 1996-10-27
Invoice Number.o Unknown 2KB 1996-10-27
ObjText.e Unknown 8b 1996-10-27
ObjText.o Unknown 2KB 1996-10-27